Virology Solution

The power to detect and deliver results in the diagnosis and management of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1), 
Hepatitis C (HCV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection.

Hologic Aptima boxes with assays to  detect Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1 (HIV-1) Hepatitis C (HCV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) infection

An Efficient Solution to Viral Load Testing

Aptima Virology assays operate on the Panther® System. This means fast, true sample-to-result automation, everything your lab needs to meet today’s molecular testing demands.1

Multiple Results from a Single Sample

Sensitive and precise assays for viral load testing, with concurrent testing of single or multiple assays on a single patient's sample.2-4

Delivering Viral Load Results When you Need It

Run assays concurrently from a single sample. Receive all three results, HIV-1, HCV and HBV, in 2 hours and 52 minutes.4

Improve Workflow & Assay Consolidation

Benefit from efficient workflow, reduced hands-on time and sample volume scalability by running assays on the fully-automated Panther System.5 Consolidate your viral load testing alongside the extensive Panther molecular menu.

Seamless Platform Integration Within your Lab

Primary tube loading enables  further workflow efficiency, positive sample identification and the ability to load samples as they arrive.

Proven Performance

12 copies/ml

Limit of detection
Dual target
Aptima® HIV-1 Quant Dx assay¹

4.3 IU / ml

Plasma limit of detection
Multiple primers and probes
Aptima® HCV Quant Dx assay2

5.58 IU / ml

Plasma limit of detection
Dual target
Aptima® HBV Quant assay3

Sample-to-Result within a Single Integrated Instrument

Aptima assays on the Panther System combine assay performance1-3 and excellent automation for viral load monitoring.


Healthcare provider looking at scan images on monitor display

FDA and Health Canada Market Authorization for Genius™ Digital Diagnostics System

infographic image showing cervical screening view of women

Discover the Future of Cervical Cancer Screening

PCR tests in a rack held by a hand wearing gloves

The Molecular Diagnostics Revolution and its Impact on Personalized Care

Simplify & Scale the Future of Diagnostics

The Virology Solution is part of Panther Scalable Solutions, a portfolio combining a broad, high-performing assay menu with high-throughput automation. Designed to flexibly scale to meet your needs, from a single patient result to population level screening.

Female lab technician observing Panther systems in lab setting

Scale Your Operation

Explore how the Panther System helps you optimize today and prepare for tomorrow. The fully-automated system loads samples in any order at any time, eliminates batch constraints and decreases turnaround time.

    1. Aptima HIV-1 Quant Dx Assay [package insert] AW-18107-001. Rev.003 San Diego, CA; Hologic, Inc., 2024.
    2. Aptima HCV Quant Dx Assay [package insert] AW-15249-001. Rev.002 San Diego, CA; Hologic, Inc., 2018.
    3. Aptima HBV Quant Assay [package insert] AW-13182-001. Rev.008 San Diego, CA; Hologic, Inc., 2024.
    4. Panther/Panther Fusion System Operator's Manual AW-26055-001 Rev. 001 (EN) San Diego, Ca; Hologic Inc. 2022
    5. Ratnam S, Jang D, Gilchrist J  Workflow and Maintenance Characteristics of Five Automated Laboratory Instruments for the Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Infections.  J. Clin. Microbiol. 2014;52(7):2299-2304

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